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Ever Been a Guest in Your School?

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. The issue is, you are not always sure when that first impression is going to happen. 

Over a 30 day span, pretty much every public and private school will open. Over a million students and families will enter a new school. Everyone will be meeting their new teacher. 

So when will that first impression occur? 

I believe that when you are standing in the frame, it is hard to see the full picture. 

Here is what I mean. When you are immersed IN the school business every day, you can sometimes become less aware of the "little things". The little things are what matter most to your guest, and they quickly become BIG things. 

Just a few years ago, I was consulting for a charter school. I had been there multiple times but never really felt welcome. 

I asked the head of school if they had ver walked into the building through the eyes and ears of a guest? Someone who is looking to enroll their child or drop off a job application? 

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Highlighting Leadership Excellence at Two Rivers Community School

Uncategorized Aug 19, 2024

Hey Everyone,

Two Rivers Community School, in Boone, NC, has been a cornerstone of educational excellence for over 20 years. Led by Principal Natalie Oransky, who began her journey at the school as a teacher assistant in the school's second year, Natalie and the Two Rivers Community School exemplify a dedication to holistic child development for students in grades K-8 that is unique to public education.

Their mission. Is simple, To utilize the expeditionary learning model to develop the whole child.

Recently, I had the opportunity to lead a strategic board retreat at Two Rivers. Our focus was on strengthening the role of the board as a whole and defining each member's role based on their strengths and skill sets. We also worked on establishing a three-year vision and prioritizing the work for the next 90 days.

As a charter school leader, you understand that  no other singular variable is more important for the health and vitality of a charter school than the way it is gover...

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Highlighting Leadership Excellence at Bethany Community School

I wanted to share the excellence and sense of commitment I observed recently at Bethany Community School in Summerfield, NC.

Under the leadership of Jeff Morris, now in his third full year, Bethany Community School has gained incredible momentum in the community. Through a series of strategic sessions with their whole staff, key teacher leaders and board, they revised their mission, adopted strategic goals, and expanded their leadership team.

BCS Mission: To provide a rigorous and nurturing learning environment that empowers students to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens.

As a result, they have grown enrollment by over ten percent (more than 100 students and raised their overall academic proficiency by eight (8) percentiles! 

I believe this is the result of having clarity and executing their plan.

Recently, I had the pleasure of facilitating a session with the Bethany team using the Leadership Game. This engaging activity focuses on key leadership principles and s...

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Highlighting Leadership Excellence at The Expedition School

This month marks a significant milestone for us at Leaders Building Leaders as we kick off our tenth year in business. Established in April 2014, I led the company's first retreat around the second week of July that year. We are proud of the impact we've made over the past decade and remain dedicated to empowering leaders and fostering excellence.

To celebrate, each week I am going to highlight one of our school's in our Empowered Executives: Inner Circle. The Inner Circle is a weekly virtual mastermind made up of public charter school principals, directors, and other administrators. They come together to share breakthroughs, gain advice, strategy and new perspectives from leaders in their positions. 

The first school I desire to highlight is The Expedition School (TES) in Hillsborough, North Carolina. When I wrote my book on high performing charter schools, the chapter on a Healthy School Culture Conducive for Learning, it was a school like TES that I modeled it after. 

The Expedit...

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The Answers To Your Principal Summer Action Questions

#leadership Jun 27, 2024

I hope you are having a productive and restorative summer. 

As I…we ALL prepare for the upcoming school year, my teammate Lauren and I have been keeping track of where my focus goes in planning and preparation for the upcoming year. 

We wanted to share the top 10 from my list with you. 

If you have yet to get with yourself and your team and ask…

  1. What went well this year?
  2. What needs more focus next year?
  3. What do we need to STOP doing to move forward? (Critical list!)
  4. To accomplish our goals for the 2024-2025 year…what needs to be true about our behavior and actions as a team? As a staff?
  5. Most import: Where do I need to grow as a leader to ensure one year from today we are in a much stronger position?

One of the BEST tools we have and I utilize often is our principal quarterly checklist.I look at it each month, and definitely each quarter to stay responsive to bigger issues. This checklist can be personalized to your school and shared as a team. My teammate Lauren organized ...

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Are You Heading in the Right Direction?

Ever see the movie, Planes, Trains and Automobiles with Steve Martin and John Candy?

I love the scene where they are heading down the highway and everyone is beeping at them and yelling...you're going the wrong way...

It's more funny to see it (watch it here) 2 minutes

The sad part is...this just happened to me the other day. 

I have a lot going on right now...my mind is cluttered with emotions and tasks at hand. 

I was trying to get back to my school when suddenly I realized, I was going the wrong way. Not the wrong way on a road (like the classic scene). The opposite direction of my school. 

This is probably why I constantly use my GPS on my phone. 

In order to get from one point to another I need to know:

1. Where I am.

2. Where I am going.

If I get off track, the GPS will adjust my route. 

Wouldn't that be great to have as a school leader?

Do you ever wonder.....

How to build a GPS for your school leadership. 

How to measure where you are and create a clear destinatio...

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Leaders Model The Way

#growth #leadership Mar 15, 2024

I’ve got two amazing kids!

I am extremely blessed as they are good human beings and are way more advanced than I was at 11 or 16. Maybe even at 30!

Sometimes they do stuff, like leave their dirty dishes around, the lights on, argue, say a word out loud they shouldn’t, give attitude, bad mouth others, whatever…anything that gets my wife or I on a different emotion.

I've realized that all of the nagging to get them to do something different is pointless.

Because people don’t do what people say. People do what people see. 

That is the Law of the Picture from John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. 

I wish I had read a book or had a mentor like John Maxwell in my life in my twenties when I was a young teacher and baseball coach. I had a giant ego, a character that lacked integrity and humility, and a mouth to match. 

I recall making my JV Baseball team run and run and run when I heard them cursing or throwing equipment. Not 20 minutes later I’d be yelling at the umpire, ki...

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Planning for Your New Employees First Day

engagement Jul 28, 2023

I wanted to share a quick story and resource...

Two years ago I was hired as the interim executive of a well known bi-lingual, Montessori charter school 30 days before the first day of school. 

We hired a dozen staff in 30 days, some from out of the country, and had great inservice and day one experience for everyone...well, that's what I thought. 

I asked the mentors to schedule a new hire meeting about eight days in to check in with the new hires.

I came to the meeting late and just asked them to start with a simple, "What's going well?", "What can be improved?" icebreaker activity.

I walked into the room and was blown away about what was on the whiteboard.

What's Going Well?

What Can Be Improved...

If you couldn't read it here's just a few of the items on their list...

  • I don't know where things are (toilet!)
  • I don't know how to call the front office
  • I don't have a key
  • When is pay day?
  • When is HR orientation?
  • Do we have a staff handbook?

The list goes on....


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Leave Your Legacy While Your Living

#legacy #mothers day May 14, 2023

My Mom died during surgery on February 3, 2015. I did not know she was having the surgery.

Fortunately, I happened to call her that afternoon. I had not heard her this excited in years. The new doctor finally believed her, about the pain she was in. He diagnosed her with poor circulation that was creating her loss of feeling in the legs and constant back pain. She had already had multiple surgeries on her back to this point, none of them working. But this time it was different. She had hope. Hope that this time it would work and she could spend time playing on the floor with her two grandchildren.

She never had that chance. 

When he repaired her arteries, they were too weak to carry her new blood flow. They exploded, and she died almost instantly on the table. 

I don’t share this to upset you or get your sympathy. I share this to remind you a few lessons I learned in life:

Sacrifice the right things: Go home. Be present. Call the people you love and tell them every time you can wh...

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How do you know your students are learning?

This question as a principal, Am I sure the students are all learning? Use to keep me up at night. 

However, then I learned that the best way to ensure students are learning is through daily classroom walkthroughs.

These walkthrough must be intentional and focused on making sure that students are not just learning but mastering the curriculum taught. 

That the atmosphere is affirming. 

That the students are engaged in the process.

That the teacher is aware of everything that is happening between the four walls of the classroom. 

While you are walking through each classroom, the validity of the information you receive through assessments and benchmarks will be affirmed. 

The first step in effective leadership is making a choice that is in harmony with our goals and desires.

I personally believe that the academic growth your students make, and the development of the teachers that lead them, will directly correlate to the effectiveness and the diligence of my daily walkthrough rou...

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