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How To Orient Your Governing Board Members

Hey my name is Tom Miller and I have been a consultant, trainer and coach for charter school boards since 2012. I have also been a board member since 2015 and there is one thing I have found to be trueā€¦

If you want to be a highly effective governing charter school board then you need to be intentional with every aspect of your board, especially board member orientation.Ā Ā 

Here is what I mean.

My first experience as a charter school board member was similar to a middle school dance. I walked in, looked for someone I knew, and sat down. I NEVER hope for an ice breaker activity, but for the first time in my life, something corny like a get-to-know-you-game may have done the trick.Ā Ā 

When I was elected to the board, I was also elected as the Secretary and Chair of the Governance Committee (huge mistake!). Can I share with you what a challenge it was to take meeting minutes when I didnā€™t know the majority of the board members' names?

I would be lying if I were to tell you that I was co...

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