Hey everyone,
Just a quick message here on a quote I recently read that I believe is critical for any leader to think on,
Things which matter most can never be at the mercy of things which matter least.
Six years ago, Budd Dingwall, who has been an amazing friend and mentor to me said during a mastermind call. "You know Tom, as a principal the to do list will never be empty. You'll never feel caught up. The school will be there tomorrow. But you might not."
He went on to share about how as a principal he missed precious family time to be the best principal he could be.
And he was!
How many principals do you know that have earned two Blue Ribbon School Rewards?
Each at a different school in a different state! Budd is an incredible servant leader although he doesn't spend his days walking the hallways, he is still leading by walking around in my mind.
I knew what Budd was trying to convey to me; but I was just about to launch my new business and the "to-do" list had to get...
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