In my home state of North Carolina, the home school population is over 150,000 students! This figure is 50,000 more than public charter schools and over twice the number of private school students.
Why does this home school enrollment matter?
The last ninety days of the 2019-2020 school year every family across the nation experience home and virtual schooling.
And as you might expect, this past week so many families worked to enroll their child(ren) into a home school situation the web site crashed!
As charter school principal in North Carolina, the first 20 days of school are critical to your funding for the year.
As a leader, not only do you need to ensure your teachers are fully prepared and equipped to teach, your teachers also need to understand that they are the main communicators and the sales force of your school.
As a charter principal, I spent a full day every year going through our enrollment systems with our team and all staff to ensure no student chair would...
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