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One Easy Morale Raising Strategies

#feedback #morale Oct 24, 2022

I believe that not communicating is still communication.

Here is what I mean. 

I was recently talking to a teacher who left her school mid-year. I asked if the pay was a factor? They shared that, “It’s was not about the money. It was just that no matter what I did, how long I had been there, I just never heard anything positive. If I make a mistake however, I heard about it immediately, but if I did my job the silence was overwhelming.”

Why is feeling appreciated so important in a work setting?

Because each of us wants to know that what we are doing matters.

Without a sense of being valued by supervisors and colleagues, workers start to feel like a machine or a commodity. 

Steven Covey wrote, “Next to physical survival, the greatest need of a human being is psychological survival, to be understood, to be affirmed, to be validated, to be appreciated.”

 Here are some signs your employees do not feel appreciated: 

  • Workers appear discouraged.
  • Employees become negative about thei...
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