As part of a new video series from Leaders Building Leaders, Dr. Tom Miller, Chief Transformation Officer, brings you better practices, leadership principles and top tips to help grow and strengthen your leadership and school's performance based on Todd Whitaker's book, What Great Principals Do Differently.
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Mastermind Session #1
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 1: Why Look at Great?
What are some of the highest performing schools that you have walked the hallways of?
Who are the leaders of those schools?
If you had a chance to spend 30 minutes with them, what questions would you ask?
Write them down!
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 2: It Is People, Not Programs
What are the characteristics of your ideal team player?
Who make up the top 20% of your team based on that description?
Where did they come from and where do we recruit more people like them?
How will you spend more time with your top people?
Mastermind Session #2
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 3: Develop an Accurate Sense of Self
What role do I have in the problems at the school I lead?
How am I improving as a leader based on the feedback I receive from the people I lead?
What changes will I make based on this lesson?
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 4: Who is the Variable?
How can school leaders help teachers increase their acceptance of responsibility?
How do you need to lead differently?
Are you an energy producer or energy consumer?
Mastermind Session #3
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 5: Treat Everyone With Respect, All The Time
What must principals do to keep the best teachers on their side when dealing with a teacher who is ineffective.
What is your definition of respect? What does it look like? Feel like?
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 6: Be the Filter
How does the principal's response to questions and situations affect teachers in the
How should principals determine which information they should filter and not share with
staff members?
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 7: Teach the Teachers
What is your responsibility in regards to Teaching the Teachers?
What time do you schedule to research, develop and plan out this teaching time?
Mastermind Session #4
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 8: Hire Great Teachers
What is the essential variable in hiring new teachers? What factors are secondary in importance to this core indicator of future success?
In what ways can a principal informally begin the process of induction during interviews?
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 9: Understanding the Dynamics of Change
Being an agent for change is a critical skill for school leaders.
What are the key qualities a leader must work to improve in themselves and as a team to create positive change?
Mastermind Session #5
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 11: Focus on Behavior, Then Focus on Beliefs
Why is it more effective and productive for the principal to focus on teachers’ behaviors rather than on their beliefs?
What are some behaviors that teachers demonstrate that are detrimental to students, their colleagues and the school’s climate.
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 12: Loyal to Whom?
Why is it more important for teachers to be loyal to their students rather than the principal?
In dealing with staff members, what focus should guide the principal to make the right decision?
Mastermind Session #6
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 13: Base Every Decision on Your Best Teachers
Learn why it is critical that principals take the time to identify and rely on their best teachers to give them feedback and make decisions with them in mind.
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 14: In every situation, ask who is the most comfortable and who is the least comfortable.
Why must principals- at times- make decisions that are exceptions to explicit rules and
guidelines? When does the situation most often arise?
Gain a few examples and set your plan.
Mastermind Session #7
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 15: Understanding the High Achievers
Why is it more important for teachers to be loyal to their students rather than the principal?
In dealing with staff members, what focus should guide the principal to make the right decision?
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 16: Make it Cool to Care
Why is it more important for teachers to be loyal to their students rather than the principal?
In dealing with staff members, what focus should guide the principal to make the right decision?
Mastermind Session #8
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 17: Don't Need To Repair, Always Do Repair
We discuss techniques that principals must use in teaching students and teachers how
to repair damaged relationships.
Why is it counterproductive to focus on getting teachers to admit they were wrong? What is a more productive approach?
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 18: Dealing With Negative or Ineffective Staff Members
Why must principals do something about negative staff members?
What do the best teachers expect from their colleagues who may not be as effective or energetic as they are?
Mastermind Session #9
What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 19: Setting Expectations on the First Day
Why is it more important for teachers to be loyal to their students rather than the principal?
In dealing with staff members, what focus should guide the principal to make the right decision?