Increase the Engagement and Productivity of Your Governing Board

"The Board Leadership Academy" 

Online and On-Demand Professional Development Program for Charter School Board Members and Leaders

What it Is

A step-by-step program for charter school board members to create or strengthen their leadership model to navigate the organization towards significance!

The Education Governance Academy "Navigate" provides public charter school board members and leaders professional development in a flexible on-line and on demand platform. 


By going through the information, watching the videos and completing the governance strengthening exercises each month, public charter school boards will be more equipped to truly define what success looks like in the organization they oversee and meet their promise to the students and families who they are entrusted to serve.

Enroll your entire board and leadership team now for only $197 (Lifetime Access)

This is a Lifetime Access Special Rate for full board membership
Email [email protected]



Increase the Engagement and Productivity of Your Governing Board

"Grab our Governance Structure e-Book"
A step by step guide to create a strong, sustainable charter school governing board. 

How it Works

Expert Counsel

Monthly live teaching lessons including Q and A sessions with the teaching team.

Board Training

Professional development modules plan on best practices in charter school governance.

Resources & Templates

Resources focused on effective charter school governance, board leadership, governance strengthening exercises. 

Governance Strengthening Modules

Roles and Responsibilities | Fiscal Oversight | Effective Board Structure | 

Board Chair 101 | How to Lead Effective Meetings | Strategic Policy Development |

Strategic Goal Setting and Planning

What to Expect

Over a 12 Month Period, we will guide you through a process to help each board member with the following:

Roles & Responsibilities
Board members will fully understand the fiduciary, legal, and ethical roles and responsibilities of serving on a nonprofit board governing a public charter school.

Tools for success
Each board member is given the necessary tools and taught critical leadership principles needed to be productive and effective board members of their charter school.

Board members will be confident about the decisions made in each meeting. They will know the organization is navigating towards the stated mission of their charter school.

Every board member will be able to effectively communicate the school’s mission and vision.

Strategic Planning
Board members will be able to develop and execute a sound strategic plan for their charter school.

Best Practices
Board members receive best practices resources in the areas of leadership, academics, governance, operations and finances along with a custom implementation plan.

When governing board members commit to professional development and training, this best practice of life-long learning is modeled for other members of the school community including administration, staff, and the parent community at the school.

"This is my first year on our board, but I have served on school committees for almost five years. I came away with a much clearer understanding of my role as a board member and a greater sense of confidence as well. Thanks for coming!"

Margery Sherrill
Lake Lure Classical Academy

Watch my most popular training: Board Roles and Responsibilities

"I wanted to personally thank your again for a great training session with the HC Board! I learned so much!!! You broke the material down and made it manageable to attain. I hope this is just the beginning of a long term investment for HC."

Erica Shoulders
Henderson Collegiate

Want your own account? Get lifetime access for only $27


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